Milco (pvt) Ltd Job Vacancies 2022 | Electrician, Latheman, Fitter, Effluent Treatment Plant Operator, Boilerman, Engineering Assistant (Mechanical/Ref.), Ref. Mechanic
Milco Job Vacancies 2022

Title | 1) Electrician 2) Latheman 3) Fitter 4) Effluent Treatment Plant Operator 5) Boilerman 6) Engineering Assistant (Mechanical/Ref.) 7) Ref. Mechanic |
Institution | Milco (pvt) Ltd, Sri Lanka. |
Closing Date | 2022/06/07 |
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The age range is between 18-45 years. Salary and benefits are given according to the government approved salary scales and the relevant benefits are given for the posts. Applicants can submit the CV along with the names and contact numbers of two non-relatives by registered post to the following address. Please indicate "post" in the upper left corner of the envelope. |
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